The Corvallis Rotary Club meets every Thursday at noon. We meet in-person and offer a hybrid option which is interactive. So, if you can’t make it in person, you can join the meeting on Zoom and interact with those of us meeting in-person. Our meetings include lunch and are held at the Corvallis Club, 1850 Whiteside Dr, Corvallis, 97333
Our meetings are for Rotarians and their guests. If you are interested in attending a meeting, please contact: or
Meeting and Speaker Schedule:
December 5: Rotary Birthdays and Anniversaries, Rayna Walz – Maxtivity – an after school creative arts program
December 12: Elizabeth Jones – elections in Germany
December 19: Jens Lovtang – Director – Corvallis H.S. Choir – presents a
christmas concert
December 26: Merry Christmas – No noon meeting
January 2 – Happy New Year – No noon meeting
January 9 – Rotary Birthdays and Anniversaries, Lotus Rivers – Corvallis H.S. student
January 16 – Ron Gilliland – Life Coaching